Sunday 24 November 2013

30 Ways to save £1 ---Day 24 + Sunday bits and bobs

We've  finally got the job of clearing out the polytunnels finished. There were a lot of green peppers still on the plants but it's too late for them now. I've brought some indoors but the rest had to go in the compost. I shall try and start the seeds off even earlier next year. I guess it was the cold spring that slowed them down.
Then I had a tidy out of the space in an old shed where I used to cut kindling. I picked up all the bits that were still to be chopped and moved them down to my new place.

Eldest Daughter and I went to have a look at the "Cool Yule Vintage Market" at Snape Maltings. The world and his wife were there and the market comprised of about 25 stalls with only a few actually having anything really old on them. Also there were lots of BBC Outside Broadcast vans as they were doing a live Orchestra thing in the Concert Hall for Radio 3, probably something to do with the Benjamin Britten Centenary that's been going on all year. No wonder the car parks were busy.

 Eldest Daughter headed off after lunch home to Surrey. And we watched the rugby (again).

Another weekend gone.

Back Tomorrow

Whoops, nearly forgot-- Number 24 of the 30 ways to save £1 was
24. Grow something to eat - even one tomato plant in a pot can produce more than £1 worth of tomatoes.

Growing our own has always been a very important part of our lives and now we grow to sell it's an important part of our income.


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