Wednesday, 13 November 2013

30 Ways to save £1---DAY 13 + Living History Programmes

Thank you to Cro, Janice, Jane, Twiggy, The Domestic storyteller,Vicki, Debbie ,Em, Pam, Angie for comments yesterday.

We have had a lovely day here today after a proper grass frost this morning, there was even  a thin layer of ice on the chicken drinkers.
Him outside was off to work for one of his customers this morning,while I did a bit of baking and boring housework.

I'm looking forward to the new Historical farm recreation - The Monastery Farm on TV tonight. I just hope it's better than the Wartime one which was full of inaccuracies. My favourite ( I think I mentioned this the other day) was " The Green Valley", we have the DVD which I love'

 Going back even further does anyone admit to being old enough to remember this
It was on TV in about 1978 or 9, before Health and Safety regulations! Some people volunteered to live for a year as they would have done in the Iron age.  They had quite a hard time of it.
I came across the book about it many years later in Aldeburgh library and then found a copy one day in a charity shop- this was before Amazon existed.
On the same subject, our neighbour brought around some old newspapers for fire lighting and I spotted an article about English Heritage looking for people to live as Neolithic tribesmen in mud huts at the Stonehenge visitor centre. The unpaid volunteers will have to light and maintain fires and tell stories of the Neolithic people to visitors.(read about it here) but only during the day.

DAY 13 of the 30 ways to save £1 was
13. If you need more than two regular prescriptions a month always buy a NHS prepayment card.
These are available for 3 months or a year and can save a fortune. Him Outside now has to take 6 different things a day, that would be nearly £50 a month but the card is just over £100 a year at the moment. Phew - Thank goodness for that card!


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