Friday 13 February 2015

This week

The weather this week.........

Was mainly grey and gloomy but dry, we had a couple of very mild days and a day with mist and today a very strong chilly South wind

We ate.......
From the garden - Brussels sprouts, kale, leeks and parsips
Our own produce from store - onions, potatoes
Our own produce from the freezer - cooking apples, plums, apricots and peppers

 This week we went ........

To get chicken feed (him)
To deliver 2 IBC tanks(us)
To get eyes tested(him)
To get a bit of shopping(me)
To an Antiques Centre (us)
To 6 charity shops(me)

This week we ........

Made 3 loaves bread (me)
Made gooseberry jam (me)
Did any  housework that shouted "clean me"(me)
Let chickens out and collected eggs everyday (me)
Put eggs in boxes after cleaning and sorting every day (me)
Littered chicken sheds and shut them up(him)
Chopped a couple more sacks of kindling (me)
Cleaned out 4 more IBC tanks-in-a-frame ready to deliver (him)
Worked for our neighbour and for the man up the road(him)
Barrowed and forked in compost onto 2 beds of the middle polytunnel (us)
Had sad news that one of my cousins had died - yet another family member with cancer
Heard about our youngest's wedding plans for 2017! (us)
Cleared up all the bits of conifer hedge that were cut off the top by our future son in law on Saturday (him)
Arranged to buy a car as a replacement  for our jeep-with- the-dodgy-electrics (him)
Sorted out things to advertise in next months Suffolk Smallholders Newsletter (him)
Cooked dinners(us)
Burnt hedge trimmings (him)
Washed and wiped the dishes several times(us)
Despaired at the problems with my propagator that cooked the first lot of seeds(me)
Spent far too long taking photos of books and blogging about them (me) 
Finished reading Lamentation by C. J.Sansom (me)
Finished reading A Likely Tale Lad by Mike Pannett (him)
Added several more things to the car boot boxes (me)
Found these interesting bits and bobs in charity shops in Leiston for total £2.60p(me)
A vinegar bottle, a pie dish, a small salt-glazed pot with lid and an ex library book that looks interesting.

That was the week that was.

Welcome to new followers Deb  via Google Friends and to Sandra and Beth via Bloglovin'
I hope you enjoy my Suffolk ramblings.
Thank you for comments yesterday.

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