So said Sara Coleridge in her months of the year poem.
The picture is from one of the Edwardian Lady books by Edith Holden. I've borrowed the image off t'internet as my copy is...................packed in a box.
We have aconites and a few snowdrops in our very small garden, not much else although there are signs of other bulbs coming up.
When we were children it was considered lucky to say "Rabbits,Rabbits Rabbits" on the first of the month. They had to be the first words you spoke in the morning. Now I'm wondering ......Why?
According to the shops only one thing happens in February and that's Valentines day. We won't be wasting our pennies in buying any of the junk that is now available - all those silly soft toys - for grown ups? just don't get it I'm afraid. As for hearts on everything? a great sales ploy " Must have special PJs and cushions for Valentines" Really?
My Books Read page tells me I read 12 books in January, which just proves how much free time is available while
My accounts book tells me that we did fairly well in Don't-spend-anything-extra-in-case-I've-done-my-sums-wrong month. Of course there were extras - the new kettle, getting photos of the wedding printed, having curtains cleaned to take with us, half-year car tax, MOT, booking venue for Col's 60th bash ( he wants to meet up with all his aunts,uncles, cousins etc without it being at a funeral!), virus protection for one lap top and paying for a library book that got left at hospital and vanished. We ate mainly from the freezer but still needed milk, fruit, veg and store-cupboard staples. Total spend for the whole month - absolutely everything except Council Tax - £751.
We need to empty the freezer before we move (Oh- done it again)so I went through it mid December to see how many main meals I could make from its contents and came up with a list of 32. We were out Christmas day and brought home boxing day dinner with us. Then of course Col had That bug and neither of us ate much for a few days so now at the beginning of February I've still got
A couple of chicken breasts
2 cheese and onion pasties
2 x half pound of bacon
2 very small lamb chops (only useful for curry)
1lb of mince (annoying as I usually split them into half pounds)
2 boxes of home made tomato and onion pizza topping
2 portions of home made lasagne
2 portions of home made salmon/pasta bake
A very small ham joint that was meant for after Christmas
So still enough for meals until halfway through February at least.
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