Shopping for shoes is almost my least favourite activity, but needs must and as, due to foot problems, I'm unable to wear wellies now I've almost ruined my very old pair of Brasher walking boots by wearing them for splodging around the smallholding all through the wet winter. So time for a new pair to wear for just walking in (rather than collecting eggs, gardening, chopping kindling etc. etc.) First stop giant Sporty type out-of-town place. No one "serving" until I'd walked around and up and down searching. I have quite wide feet so not much choice. Then he trotted off to look for my size and of course they didn't have them. So we went into town and thankfully discovered Millets/Blacks still there - I thought they were one of the companies that had gone under this winter. Success! and IN THEIR SALE at half price - Hooray! Now I really must look after these. (Poor old well worn boots on right look better in photo than in reality, still just about OK for working here)
Hopefully no more shoe shopping for many months.
Before we started searching for shoes we called in at Sainsburys because someone on a blog had mentioned their Value Range Bacon ( whoever it was - thankyou!) We rarely visit Sainsburys as it is 25 miles from us at the wrong edge of town. Bought two packs of bacon and then divided it up when we got home before putting in freezer- 2 really good size bacon chops and 4 packs of rashers. Very good value.
A few days of sunshine have at last persuaded a few daffodils to open here, yet in Ipswich there were several out in gardens, it really is several degrees warmer in town compered to us on the East coast. We had a bed of daffs for selling at the gate but last Autumn decided that they were getting very crowded and not producing many flowers. So we dug them up and replanted the biggest bulbs in a new bed. These means not so many to sell this year but hopefully a good amount from next year onwards.