Wednesday, 24 April 2013

I was just planning to have half -an-hour sitting in the sun and it's gone behind a mass of hazy cloud so decided to do this instead. Welcome to new followers now numbering 21, when I started writing I told Him Outside that I wasn't bothered if no one read my ramblings, now every time I get excited by a new person he reminds me of what I said. Funny how he remembers some things and forgets others :-)
Thank you for comments re the campsite and ideas for more income but honestly we don't want the site to get too busy and definitely don't want or need to earn a huge income. We are frugal so can manage on a lot less than many people. We are in The Camping and Caravanning Club Big Sites Book and on their website and as we only take C&CC Members that's all we need really. Last year was exceptionally bad. I think my profit ( income minus outgoings) for the approx 200 days we are open worked out to £5 a day - that is not a lot ( taken as an average that is less £3 a day for the year) and just a little bit more would be good . And then when so many folks said they needed a shower to stay for even one night that's why we decided to spend a bit to do one. But we can't afford to do anything else and the shed we are using for Tourist Information leaflets, maps and a shelf of books is only small so no room for table tennis etc. If we were busy, busy,busy I wouldn't have time for reading, sitting in the sun, watching Countdown or Eggheads, dreaming, writing to penfriends, growing stuff or doing cross stitch. I have to get the priorities right !!
I've got lots more done in the greenhouse today - tomatoes are moved into bigger pots awaiting the new polytunnel. Now here's an odd thing - the plastic to cover this "new" tunnel is no more expensive than we paid to cover a smaller tunnel 8 years ago. Must be the only thing that hasn't gone up. Then I sowed a few more tommie seeds for a late crop and some more squash and pumpkin seeds too. Him Outside has been continuing to get the frame of the above mentioned P.t sorted and deciding how to have the doors and pathways.
I seem to have got people reading Hovel in the Hills after several people noticed it in the pile of books at the top of the blog. Here is another heap of good books, anyone got these on their shelves?

 I've been interested to see blogs mentioning 'no-spend-days'. We have lots of those - more than half of every month I reckon :-)
The new chickens are now all laying regularly and word has got round that we have more eggs, so they are all selling which is good news - lots more happy people eating lovely fresh eggs.
Well, it's still hazy so I'd better go and get the ironing done - shame, as I was looking forward to sitting out for a while. Forecast is for much cooler after tomorrow so may have to wait several days now.


The blog here has now finished please add my new blog to your list instead                               You will find it here at    ...