Thursday 1 January 2015

New Year with a New Header but ...........

it's still the same old Simple Suffolk Smallholder tapping the keyboard.

I thought it would be good to find a new pile of books to put on the header,  but because I have no idea how I customised the original layout I ended up having to change all sorts of things to make everything fit, it's still not exactly right but it will have to do.

First, before anything else I must say a HUGE  thank you to lovely comments after the post about what being debt free and frugal means to us. Plus another BIG thank you for all the Happy New Year wishes. Also a welcome to Saffron and Coriander and Frisby4 new followers on Google. Also a Frugal wench on Bloglovin'.

I've a few new ideas for this years posts but nothing drastic. I have no intention of being sponsored or having ads all down the side and have in fact stopped reading people who do decide to earn money through their blog after gathering a few hundred followers.
I'm fed up with just putting C or Him Outside so he is now given his proper name - Col.
I'm not joining in with the Year In Books but will continue to post pictures of my Library book haul and  will also write about any good books  read.
The review of the month is quite repetitive so that might be dropped and I may  just list the frugal things that have been done each month.
I would like to do something originally started last January ( and then not continued) which is to mention any Country weather sayings or traditions that happen each month.
Other than that it will just be my normal diary.

So, rummaging through the relevant books,
 I've found this

The weather on the first three days of January foretells the first three months.

Today is mild, grey and windy with forecast of chillier but brighter tomorrow - i.e. changeable, which is what we often get, which means the prediction is correct! 

The first day of 2015 and things are much the same here, we don't bother to stay up to see the New Year in because for years we had to get up early for goat milking and now the chickens still need letting out so we'd rather stick to normal bedtime. New Year arrives just the same.

Today I've made 3 loaves of bread - hooray for my Christmas present of a new bread tin so that 3 can be done at once - plus  tackled a rather large pile of ironing which included the Christmas tablecloths, napkins and extra tea towels.

Col moved some compost from the bins to the gooseberry bushes that are not in the fruit cage. He used the mower trailer rather than a wheelbarrow , doing one load before lunch and another one later. That leaves everything inside the fruit cage and the row of raspberries in the garden to be done.

 We've had a couple of short walks in the last two days but today was  gloomy and windy, neither of us fancied walking anywhere, instead we both had an hour or two reading.

Back Tomorrow



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