Thank you to everyone for comments on the blog over the last few days and apologies for not always getting around to replying individually.
This weather is driving me nuts! Today we are back to grey and miserable and the wind is very strong and cold.
We had 2 of the men Him Outside once worked with come along to do our path and they got a really good big bit done which was brilliant. We reckon between me and him we can get the paviers ( freebies chucked out by a neighbour) laid outside the conservatory door, it's pushing a heavy wheelbarrow that seems to give him most problems with the chest pains so I shall be barrowing - probable half loads of cement - at a time and he will lay the things. The guys will be back in July to do the rest of the wide pathway so we have plenty of time to get it ready for concreting,and then we will be much tidier.
This is a photo I first put on the blog back when I started in April. It is a wrens nest made in some coils of baler string which is hung on a nail in the shed. Now the fledglings are out and about and there are at least 3 tiny balls of feathers hoping about in the shed with their parent making a huge noise anytime we go near.