Just back from my cousin's 60th birthday tea party held in a very smart hotel near Colchester in Essex (I put on my brave knickers and drove there all by myself - go me!!)
Look at those scones and macaroons, and little jars with lemon posset,and some strange things made with choux pastry, which no-one could quite decide what the filling was.
So nice to see my 2 cousins A and S and their families. Both cousins may be heading back to live in Suffolk sometime in the near future, they lived in Stowmarket when we were all small before my uncle's job took them to Dovercourt and then my cousin's husband's job took A even further afield. We had 4 cousins on my mums side of the family but we didn't see as much of them as we did these two cousins on Dad's side, who are close in age to me and my sister. As we all get older it seems only funerals bring families together so it's nice to meet up on a happy occasion.
Colin was sad to miss it but I brought home a scone and a mini jar of Tiptree strawberry jam for him.
Speaking of home, he Might and I stress Might be home one day in the week ahead, although nothing is ever 100% certain. It will be nice not to navigate 9 roundabouts and 8 sets of traffic lights there and back every day twixt here and hospital........
Thank you for all the towel comments, who knew scratchy towels could be so interesting!
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