Our eldest daughter surprised me with this present of a Christmas table cloth last year, of course the table was already laid so today is the first time it has been unwrapped.
It looks lovely on the table - but maybe I should iron it first!
I shall strangle the first person to spill gravy/wine/custard over it!
Thanks for all the lovely comments and good wishes yesterday, I didn't get round to replying to all so will just explain that Ipswich isn't a huge town compared to some, it has a population of about 135,000. I'm not sure we will save a lot of outgoings moving there because it's gas/electric for heating and Council tax is more in towns too but it will make life easier for the time being. Col has more appointments at hospital next week to try to track down what's wrong. Plus I forgot to say there is also an Asda within a mile of the bungalow and we hope to exchange contracts at the end of February or early March.
Dawn at Doing it for ourselves had a link to someone's list of questions, as they were short and I had 5 minutes I've joined in. Just highlight and copy them if you want to join in too.
1) Do you like blue cheese?
Yes please. any cheese. All cheese!
2) Have you ever smoked?
Yes, but not many a day . stopped 30+ years ago
3) Do you own a gun?
No, I'm English!
4) What flavor of Kool Aid is your favorite?
What is Kool aid?
5) Do you get nervous before dental appointments?
6) What do you think of hot dogs?
7) What's your favorite Christmas movie?
Never watched any
8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Coffee or drinking chocolate
9) Can you do push-ups?
No much too decrepit!
10) What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
I wear 3 wedding rings - only 1 is mine!
11) What's your favorite hobby?
12) Do you have A.D.D.?
What is ADD?
13) Do you wear glasses or contacts?
Glasses for reading etc
14) What's your middle name?
15) What are your thoughts at this moment?
Must stop fiddling about in Blogland!
16) Name 3 drinks you regularly consume.
Coffee/drinking choc/water
17) What is a current worry of yours?
When Col will get diagnosed and get sorted
18) What do you currently hate?
19) Where is your favorite place to be?
20) What do you plan on doing on New Year's Eve this year?
Being at home probably in bed
21) To where would you like to travel?
Nowhere at the moment
22) Name three people you think will do this questionnaire on their
No idea
23) Do you own slippers?
No, not furry things, I wear slip on sandals indoors
24) What color shirt are you wearing?
Navy Blue
25) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
Never tried but don't fancy them
26) Can you whistle?
Yes very loudly with 4 fingers and without any fingers!
27) What is your favorite color?
Don't have one
28) What songs do you sing in the shower?
I don't
29) Would you be a pirate?
30) What's in your pocket right now?
No pockets
31) What's the last thing that made you laugh?
Have I got News for you is on TV
32) What vehicle do you drive?
Hyundai Tucson
33) What's the worst injury you've ever had?
Not an injury as such but I had a kidney removed 30 years ago
34) Do you love where you live?
I've enjoyed living here but now on the move
35) Would you change your first name if you could?
There are too many Sue's, so YES but to what??
There, 35 quick questions and even quicker answers.
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