Have Yourself A Very vintage Christmas is a book from the States. Taking a look at what was in fashion there for Christmas decorations for each decade from 1920s to 1960s. With ideas to copy and recipes too. There is an Art Portfolio at the end so that you can photocopy some things to make postcards,stickers or seals. The history bit was interesting - seeing which ideas made it across the Atlantic but the only idea I liked was a Yuletide Shelf Edger, I could do this for my dresser if I find myself with a hour or two to spare before Christmas!
The third book is Vintage Craft by Pearl Lowe published in 2013.
Some nice ideas in this book if you can find all the vintage bits and pieces. My problem with vintage decorating is that when you have a wood-burner everything soon gets covered with dust and many of the items used would be difficult to wash or clean.
I'm glad I only borrowed these from the library and didn't shell out the huge total of £50 for them!
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