Thursday 17 September 2015

Thursday.... Thanking, Baking, Harvesting and Welcoming

Thank you to everyone for commenting on the last post.
In reply
-- I  apologise to the people who were offended by my mention of people pushing trolleys with their elbows.
-- My Naan Bread recipe is on my separate Recipe page.
-- Thank you if you popped over to visit that most popular post and pushed up the views even more!
-- Thank you to Mum who replied in the same way as my post
-- I agree with Pam about children standing in trolleys
-- Simon's reply made me smile
-- I believe the stats when they are good but I'm sure the low page view ones are wrong!

Once upon a time when we had all 3 children at home and Col took a pack-up lunch to work everyday, I  baked cakes every week. Now I only bake about once a month.

A few sultana buns and plain scones

A Mincemeat cake using some home made mincemeat that had got forgotten at the back of the jam cupboard

I also made cheese straws using a new recipe in which the cheese was grated on top of half the rolled out dough, folded over, rolled out, more grated cheese put on top, folded over and rolled again before cutting into fingers. This worked well, more air gets in so the straws fluffed up nicely.
Most of the things I made went into the freezer for the next few weeks.

After saying we had no blackberries anywhere around Col found a few on the field side of the hedge where we don't usually go. Our autumn raspberries are coming along well, quite a lot of rain over the last few days will have helped.
Big Welcome  to Sonya and Joy new followers on Google in the little pictures on the right. Hope you enjoy reading. Blogger is mis-behaving again so I can't find out if you have blogs too.

Back again in a day or two


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