Many moons ago,over at Happening upon Happiness blog were some pictures of lovely homemade things that she has in her house ( sorry to say She but I can't find a name) and a suggestion that we share our favourite handcrafted items from our homes. I began a post and filed it away in drafts and forgot it was there, now I've remembered so here goes with a few pictures from our home.......
First on the right is a lovely painting our eldest did for Art A level. It's quite big and very beautiful. The pots were from home so it captures a moment from many years ago. She went on to do weird pictures of broken dolls for her final year, we didn't keep any of those! After A levels she did an Art Foundation course at Lowestoft college went on to Winchester School of Art and Design, specialised in textile design and is now a print designer for Phase Eight and because almost everything is now done by computer, I don't think she has done any painting for years which is a shame.
Then some cross stitch pictures and long stitch tapestries- all my own work - several years ago.
Not many home made things really as most of my time over the years has gone into edible home made things and they don't hang around for long :-)
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