Linking up again with Laura at Circle of Pine Trees( click on the link over on the right to see lots of bloggers reading choices)
These were the books borrowed from the library van in August
Despite the two weeks of laying about with the flu that was/is pneumonia I am nowhere near getting through this lot. The main reason being that The Diary of a Provincial Lady was a HUGE book and so good and took me several days to read. This edition is really 4 books in one and I enjoyed every bit.
This is the blurb taken from Amazon
"Behind this rather prim title lies the hilarious fictional diary of a disaster-prone lady of the 1930s, and her attempts to keep her somewhat ramshackle household from falling into chaos: there's her husband Robert, who, when he's not snoozing behind The Times, does everything with grumbling reluctance; her gleefully troublesome children; and a succession of tricky servants who invariably seem to gain the upper hand. And if her domestic trials are not enough, she must keep up appearances. Particularly with the maddeningly patronising Lady Boxe, whom our Provincial Lady eternally (and unsuccessfully) tries to compete with."
I've also read the crime fiction by Ann Granger ( historical crime new one in a series), J.M. Gregson ( modern crime, latest by an author who churns out 2 a year), Stuart Pawson ( modern crime) I choose this at random off the library van, found I had read one other by him already but then forgotten about. I shall now go back and reorder from the beginning of the series.
I didn't finish the Ann Cleeves - it went all psychological and I couldn't be bothered. Her Shetland series I find much more readable. I have read other crime by Judith Cutler but couldn't get into this one. I tried " That summer at Hill Farm" but it was a bit weird for my liking.
I've just started the Rennie Airth which is the 4th in a crime series set in the 1940s, you couldn't call this author prolific as there is a gap of 5 years between each book.
So for September I doubt I shall be reading any more from the above picture because Friday is Library day again with another 15 !! books awaiting me so far, six of which I'm really looking forward to, Including two by James Oswald, a book of short stories about 'The Railway Detective' by Edward Martin, The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith( J.K Rowling), James McGee - The Blooding, another Martin Walker and as a complete change from crime - Talking to the Neighbours: Conversations from a Country Parish by Ronald Blythe and Kirstie Allsops' Christmas Crafts.
Don't forget if you want to go into the 500th post celebration draw for the 8 Self Sufficiency books you need to leave a comment on yesterdays post.
Back Tomorrow
PS Welcome to everyone who has clicked the Google friends button. I've crept past 200 and I'm more excited than you can imagine!!