We've seen the sun again today interspersed with some really heavy rain and some smaller showers. The water butts keep filling up for watering in the poly-tunnels and we've not needed to do the outside beds for a couple of weeks.
Here is our new shed, finished except for water butts and some proper down-pipe fixings. The shabby chic (aka OLD) wooden ladder with various flowers in containers has been standing outside the old shed for several weeks before I moved it over here and the flowers are starting to fade and finish. I'm thinking of planting them up with some trailing pansies or something similar for winter. I've got a glass fishing float hanging up and the horseshoe is fixed over the door for luck, my hag stones threaded onto a wire are hung to keep away the witches! I've just discovered you can buy stones with holes in on ebay! You only have to walk along the beach at Aldeburgh to find some. Amazing what people will sell/buy.
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