Looking back at June
- Oh dear, we spent more than we earned, mainly because of paying for a years pre-payment prescription card for Him Outside, the electric bill, ballast and cement for the path and the dreaded dentist( although campsite income is not counted in the above earnings)
- The electric bill money and dentist money were already put to one side so we didn't need to dip into savings.
- The income from campsite and Him Outsides cheque for the 2 months grass cutting at the second home have been tucked into the ISA for the winter.
- Lots of things in the vegetable garden and poly tunnels are doing well, despite the cool weather.
- Him Outside has tested out the hospital service in Suffolk for the first time.
- Egg sales are still eggsellent!( Sorry, I must stop that awful pun every month) bringing an income of about one third of our total monthly requirements.
- We have started to sell gooseberries, strawberries, courgettes, cucumbers, early potatoes
- Have put a small amount of broad beans and 4lb strawbs into the freezer.
- Thanks to the help from two ex-work friends, half the pathway at the back of the house is finished.
- Decided to make the effort to enter things in the local Flower and Produce show.
- Made 1 small cross stitch card, plus a small cross stitch Xmas decoration for the above show.
- Wrote a poem about A Village also for the above show.
- Had a wonderfully large pile of good books from the library van.
- The raspberries are constantly covered by bees of various sorts and look to be very prolific
- Found some interesting and hopefully useful card crafting stuff from Car Boot sales
- Lots of lovely tennis to watch on TV with Andy M. winning Queens, just sad to see Rafa knocked out of Wimbledon so early.
- Him Outside was able to get the parts for doing the jeep brakes off ebay, and got them fixed- saving a fortune on garage bills.
Raspberries to look forward to in July |